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Tips for Treating a Panic Attack

Ajanta Bhattacharyya
Panic attacks are phases that involve intense fear and apprehensiveness and last for few minutes to some hours. Learn more about the symptoms to be more in control of the situation.
When a person undergoes excessive stress, many emotional and physical changes occur in the body, and the body loses its natural balance. Stressful situations give rise to a panic attack, which comprises a sudden rush of symptoms, which may include nausea, muscle spasms, and shortness of breath, including anxiety.
It is a psychological disorder that may cause stomach problems, increase the risk of heart attack, strokes, and cause depression. Other factors responsible could include the death of a loved one, history of childhood sexual abuse, etc.

Remedies for a Panic Attack

The main objective is to reduce the number of attacks that you have and help cope with the severity of the symptoms.


Antidepressants help reduce depression. Besides, mild sedatives are also helpful in controlling symptoms, like nausea. However, one should consult a physician before using any kind of medication, in order to avoid its possible side effects.

Stress Management

Stress is characterized by a combination of anxiety, fear, and worry. It plays a vital role in causing a panic attack.
Developing a positive attitude, being able to handle unpleasant emotions, building confidence, ability to share feelings, becoming more assertive, and exercising on a daily basis to maintain a healthy body are some stress management techniques which can help one to get rid of the risks of an intense anxiety attack.

Relaxation Techniques

Deep breathing, muscle relaxation, imaging or visualizing of beautiful scenery, meditation, yoga, listening to music, and hypnosis are some relaxation techniques.
These relaxation techniques help one to reduce stress, depression, and anxiety. They help one to relax mentally as well as physically.

Avoid Alcoholic Drinks and Smoking

In some cases, abusive drinking of alcoholic beverages when combined with smoking can have adverse effects on the physical and mental health. Artificial depressants, like alcohol, by themselves can also trigger or worsen an attack.

Facing Your Fears

Confronting your fears is better in order to take control of the situation.
Try writing down what happens before, during, and after such an attack. Write down your fears, worries, and ailments. When your mind has settled down, go back and reread the entries. This can prepare you for another attack.

Talk to Therapist or Join a Support Group

A therapist can help you get to the root of the problem. On the other hand, joining a support group, where there will be others like you, will help you know how others cope with their problem, thus, giving you further insights.

Consume Nutritious Food

It is always good to consume nutritious foods, like fresh vegetables, cereals, eggs, milk, and fruits, which are necessary to keep one healthy. Regular intake of nutritious food and avoiding fast foods are some ways to keep your body and your mind healthy.
Besides these, cognitive behavioral therapies may also apply to cure insomnia, depression, and anxiety, which can lead to panic attacks. In addition, taking counseling on forming a positive attitude and eliminating negative thinking can also help a person to deal with stress and anxiety.
Disclaimer: This is for informative purpose only and does not in any way attempt to replace the diagnosis of a doctor. Visiting your physician is the safest way to diagnose and treat any health condition.