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Signs Your Teen Is Depressed

Read this story if you suspect your teen is depressed, and you want to do as much as you can as a parent and role model to help them.
Modern Times
Being a teenager is a trying time. There are constant shifts in routine, friend groups, and just the struggles that come with growing up. If your teen begins dealing with depression, you might see subtle changes in their behavior.

Sleeping too much

Sleep is popular amongst teenagers, but too much sleep is a warning sign. If your teenager is sleeping more than average for weeks in a row, that could be a side effect of depression, especially if they are neglecting friends and hobbies to stay in bed.

They’re more reserved than usual

Is your teen keeping to themselves a bit too much? They might be having some negative internal dialogue. It isn’t healthy for anyone to keep things hidden from their loved ones, especially teens who are still growing and learning to deal with their emotions.

Loss of appetite

If your teen is eating less than usual, or not eating at all, it is a definite sign that something is up (even if it’s not always depression specifically). Your best bet is to ask them if there is a reason for their sudden shift in appetite, and look for professional help to address those issues.

They want to speak with someone

If your teen needs an outlet to vent their issues, there’s no better outlet than a professional. Find a therapist who know the ins and outs of working with struggling teens, or use resources like Polaris teen center. This is also an opportunity for them to educate themselves on mental health care.

They stop spending time with friends

Being a teen means some rocky friendship changes and alterations, but a major red flag is a complete lack of interest in friendships all-together. You want to make sure you are pushing your teen to be optimistic about the friendships to be made as they grow.
If your teen is showing any of these signs, call a specialist to receive some guidance. It is better safe than sorry when evaluating your teen for depression.