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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Symptoms

Rujuta Borkar
The following information will take you through the obsessive compulsive disorder symptoms and help you to understand what this disorder is all about.
Every person has certain eccentricities that lend him/her quirky behavioral styles. While these quirks are common phenomena occurring in all human beings, a problem arises when the quirks do not remain confined to merely that but take on a more serious form. What we refer to here are behavior disorders.
There are several mental illnesses that one can talk about, but here, we will deal with the obsessive compulsive disorder symptoms and take you through them so that you can identify what these are.
Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental illness that involves the development of certain behavioral patterns that take on compulsive behavior in people. They become a compulsion to such an extent that they affect a person's daily activities and behavior. A person feels that if a particular behavioral pattern is not followed, it will lead to harm.
Continue reading to get a clear understanding of what these symptoms, causes, and treatment forms are, and how they affect a person's behavior.


OCD symptoms manifest in people due to several causes and then make way of constantly having to follow a particular behavioral pattern. This is because, the inability to do so leads to feelings of panic, fear, obsessive thinking and anxiety, and the strengthening of the belief that there will be harm caused and disastrous effects felt. 
This is the driving force that gets them to continue exhibiting OCD symptoms. There can be severe as well as mild symptoms that can be felt. These have been described next.
  • Continuous and excessive washing of hands because they are constantly worrying that they will be contaminated if they touch a particular surface. (Washing Compulsion)
  • Check and re-check things like door locks, stove knobs, windows and the like to see if they are safe. (Checking Compulsion)
  • They keep arranging and organizing things in perfect order and symmetry. They are most prone to superstitions. (Arranging Compulsion)
  • They want everything to be done perfectly because they feel that if they don't, there will be some harm reached. (Doubting Compulsion)
  • Constant fear that something bad will come their way if they throw and discard things and therefore they keep on collecting and hoarding things.
  • They have violent thoughts and images that sometimes border on adult content.
  • Constantly checking on people who are close to them to see if they are safe and sound.
  • They need everything to be perfect. No matter if it's an activity or thing, and they will stop at nothing to make sure that it is done. Even after it is perfect, they will continue to obsess over it.
  • They fear that they will be contaminated if they touch others or come in contact with others.
  • Extreme and chronic stress due to the fact that certain things are not placed in an orderly fashion.
  • Emergence of several conditions like dermatitis, hair loss, and skin lesions because of constantly pulling at skin and hair and constant washing of hands.
  • Portraying aggressive behavior patterns like the urge to hurt someone close to them or the want to shout obscenities in a public area.
  • Fear that they might make a mistake with any and everything.
  • Arranging things in a certain way or a specific order. Like making things face the north direction.
  • Inability to sleep due to constant worrying about something disturbing.
  • The need to be constantly reassured about things and behavior.
  • Repeating certain words, phrases or actions.
  • Avoiding those situations which can lead to the onset of any of the obsessive symptoms.


The treatment for this condition requires a professional therapist. The fact being that if not treated well, it can lead to a resurfacing of all the OCD symptoms. The treatment methods usually involve using the cognitive behavioral therapy and different forms, methods of counseling. These are the methods that are usually stressed on more than any other.
But if the case is seen to be very complicated, that which cannot be corrected well enough with the help of merely therapy, then medication like antidepressants might also be used. This is something for the therapist to decide―whether or not the inclusion of medication is a necessary course to follow in the treatment.
These symptoms are distinct enough such that they can be keyed into quite easily. The fact that this disorder can affect the day-to-day activities and the normal functioning of a person means that it is quite a serious disorder. If there is someone you know who exhibits these symptoms, then you need to make sure that there is immediate action taken.
Disclaimer - This content is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for the advice of a mental health expert.