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Nervousness Cure

Priya Johnson
Almost everyone gets nervous at some time or the other, either due to anxiety or a stressful lifestyle. Nervousness cure comprises medication as well as natural remedies, which we will discuss here.
Stress can be defined as a condition characterized by mental, physical, or emotional tension. It is a response to a stimulus, which may be internal or external. Not catching the train or bus on time to commute to work, waiting in line at the supermarket, worrying about not achieving the target at work, etc., can lead to stress.
The stimulus for stress is different for different people. Nervousness, on the other hand, can be defined as the state of mind characterized by distress, apprehension, and uneasiness. It is a sense of dread, fear, and anxiety.
Nervousness can emerge by negative expectations or thoughts and is a condition emanating in response to stress. One may experience anxiety all the time and not understand the reason behind it. Abnormal levels of some neurotransmitters in the brain can conduce to generalized nervousness.


Nervousness can be traced to genetics or even environmental conditions. Children with anxious parents are inclined to be anxious people when they become adults. However, the root cause of nervousness is one's own thinking pattern. Chronically nervous people are likely to suffer from respiratory illness, heart disease, cancer, arthritis, etc.

Symptoms of Nervousness

The symptoms of nervousness comprise sweaty hands, tense muscles, anxiety attacks, dry mouth, vomiting and irregular heartbeat. Anxiety is a common phenomenon and we all have our share of anxiety bouts.
Just before a test or public speaking assignment, we have all kinds of animal species flouncing in our tummies. Nervousness becomes harmful when it begins to take the form of sleep disorders, depression, relationship problems, high blood pressure, etc.

Remedies for Nervousness

Some medical professionals say that resorting to medication is the best way to handle chronic nervousness. However, medication often conduces to harmful side effects and even aggravate nervousness. Some of the natural remedies are given here:


An effective option for a natural cure for nervousness is exercise. Exercise stimulates the body to release natural mood-boosting and pain killing chemicals called endorphins.
Regular exercise conduces to decreased negative emotional reactions, to the situations causing nervousness earlier.


Taking a one-hour warm bath (the longer the better) accompanied with vigorous rubbing and topping it with a cool bath or spray, helps reduce bouts of nervousness. Gentle massage after the bath is also a very good cure. One should even try adding half a cup of baking soda and half a cup of ginger to lukewarm water, in the bathtub and have a bath.


Getting the body system cleaned out helps bowel movements, thereby, resulting in good health. One can make use of herbal laxatives and cleansers to clear the system.


Dunk an orange in a pot of boiling water and inhale the vapor or else one can even inhale the fragrance of an orange while peeling it. One can also drink a cup of orange juice with 2 tablespoons of honey and one teaspoon of nutmeg added to it.

Home Remedies

Consuming a mixture of two grated onions and two cups of celery is believed to reduce the feeling of restlessness. This combination can be added to salads or in different food dishes and consumed. Having the almond-nutmeg paste at bedtime is also beneficial.
Just soak 8-10 almonds in water overnight and peel them in the morning. Prepare a paste by adding some water. Add a pinch of ginger and a teaspoon of nutmeg and have the paste before sleeping. It is an effective cure for nervousness.

Herbal Teas

Drinking two cups of tea a day with one tablespoon of honey, will bring relief to people with shaking hands and finger control problem. Drink chamomile, catnip, horsetail, peach leaf, hops, spearmint and peppermint tea. Or place a drop of primrose oil on the tongue.

Herbal Cures

Smearing rosemary oil on the forehead is also believed to reduce nervousness. One can even prepare a rosemary decoction, by adding dried rosemary to boiling water and allowing it to steep for 15 minutes. Drain it and sip when cool.
Besides the mentioned cure for nervousness, there are various therapies like meditation, psychotherapy, hypnotherapy and neuro-linguistic programming for nervousness cure.
However, the most effective way to cope with nervousness, is by spending time in prayer. Giving one's burden and anxious thoughts into the Creator's hands and trusting God, is the best way to handle nervousness. Besides, prayer has no side effects!