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How to Stop an Anxiety Attack Naturally

Sonia Nair
Anxiety is common in humans. When it exceeds the normal limits, anxiety may transform to anxiety attacks, and a wide range of other such disorders. Anxiety attacks can be controlled effectively with methods, like mind-body therapies.
Studies show that anxiety attacks are common, and women are more prone to this condition. This condition is characterized by abnormal fear and anxiety, which can cause both physical as well as psychological symptoms. Such symptoms can be annoying and scary, as they mimic conditions, like heart attack or nervous breakdown.
Even though there are certain medicines that can be used for countering anxiety attacks; they can be addictive, and may also lead to undesirable side effects. While conventional medical treatment is unavoidable in most cases, it is possible to incorporate certain natural methods too.
Those with mild symptoms may resort to natural methods, in order to stop anxiety attacks. As mentioned earlier, medication cannot be a long-term cure for anxiety attacks. A combination of medication and behavioral therapy is often recommended by experts.

Controlling Anxiety

➤ You can stop an anxiety attack on your own, by controlling breathing and staying calm. If you get frightened, the symptoms will aggravate. Try slow and deep breathing that can calm you within a few minutes.
➤ It will be always better to deviate your thoughts, when you feel the onset of anxiety attack symptoms. You may either watch TV, or read a book, or even talk to someone you love. This will help to reduce anxiety and the resulting symptoms.
Cognitive behavior therapy and exposure therapy are two forms of behavioral therapy, which are found to be effective in tackling anxiety attacks.
➤ If you identify something as a trigger for anxiety attacks, then avoid such triggers. Lack of sleep, severe stress, or intake of a specific food or beverage, are some of the common triggers.
Try to get adequate sleep everyday and go for a balanced diet. Try meditation and other stress-relief techniques. Regular exercise is also found to be beneficial.
➤ As far as the diet is concerned, caffeine is found to be a possible trigger. So, reduce intake of chocolates and coffee. Even excess sugar is said to be a contributory factor for anxiety attacks.
It has been suggested that vitamin C and Omega 3 fatty acids can be beneficial for those with this condition. Even magnesium-rich foods may prove good for them.
➤ Consult your health care provider and let him assess your condition. If it is mild, you may opt for natural methods, but if the condition is moderate or severe, strictly follow the instructions of your doctor, until it resolves. In such cases, you can follow these methods, along with the conventional treatment.
In short, a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet and regular exercise may prove useful in the long run. Anxiety attacks are getting increasingly common, and a basic understanding about the natural treatment methods may prove useful for you.
The condition may cause various symptoms, like palpitation, chest pain, nausea, dizziness, shortness of breath, sweating, trembling and shaking, numbness of hands and feet, stomach upset, choking sensation in the chest, irritability, difficulty concentrating, and restlessness. An anxiety attack can also cause various health problems.
So, you must consult your health care provider, and rule out the possibility of other medical conditions that may cause similar symptoms.
It has also been noticed that anxiety attack symptoms, like, their onset, duration, and triggers, may vary from one person to another. However, those who experience anxiety attacks have an underlying, persistent fear that is not ordinarily seen in normal people.
Once the condition is diagnosed as anxiety attack, treatment is decided on the basis of the disorder, and the condition of the patient. However, it cannot be treated with medication alone. A multi-pronged approach with behavioral therapy and medication, is found to be effective in tackling anxiety attacks.
Disclaimer: The mentioned particulars are for informational purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice. Visiting your physician is the safest way to diagnose and treat any health condition.