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How to Fight Depression

Depression is a state of mind caused by the environment you are living in, vitamin deficiencies, and certain traumatic events. Let's see how to fight with depression.
Mukta Gaikwad
Just like boredom, excitement, anger and many other mood swings, depression is a state of mind. If your mind has the power to overcome all kinds of moods, then why not depression? Depression can be overcome too. The problem lies, in thinking that it cannot, because, unlike other mood swings, or states of mind, depression affects your body, spirit, and soul.
A correct analogy to explain the same would be that depression is like a parasite. It lives on you, until all the energy and the will to do anything, is drained out of you. However, getting out of depression is a choice one makes.

Making Decisions

Deciding what your state of mind is the first step towards dealing with depression. If you really want to fight depression naturally, then you've got to accept that you are in a depressed state. Take some time-out, do a self-analysis, if needed write down your feelings, and come to a decision about your current state of health.

Root Cause

Overwhelming unhappiness and constant feelings of anger, guilt, anxiety, panic, loss, fear and loss of interest lead to never-ending bouts of depression. List down the incidents or events that have led you to these feelings. Beat depression and anxiety by avoiding participation in such events from here on.
For instance, if you do not like your friends for their critical judgments, avoid them for a while. Steering away from troubling sentiments is a good way of identifying the root cause. Nip it in the bud, before the trouble of depression begins to blossom.


The best way of dealing with depression is to simply indulge! Participate in activities that make you happy. Spend a day at a spa, watch movies, eat what you like, eat chocolates, exercise, and just treat yourself for a day, to the things that make you happy.
Indulging in things that you like, will refresh you and allow you to see the lighter and the brighter side of life. Change your environment if the need be. If you are working in a place that is causing too much stress, or if you are in a relationship that is causing you to be depressed it leave now.

Work it Out

Hit the gym to fight depression without drugs. Working out is the best way of dealing with stress and pent-up emotions. Take a brisk walk for 30 minutes, go jogging, dance, or run.
Sweating it out, will help you stay in shape and make you feel good about yourself. Yoga is great way of achieving holistic wellness and beating the blues.

Talk it Out

For some people, it's difficult to talk things out. They find it awkward to talk about their feelings and express their emotions. But, if you want to fight depression, talk about what's troubling you to your partner, friends, family or spouse. Getting another person's perspective on the same issue, can help you see the problem from a different point of view.
Take a break from whatever it is that you are currently engaged in. A break will give you a chance to see new things, which is always a refreshing change. Depression is just a state of mind, and a way of viewing things.
Just as you are thinking of negative extremities, remember that positive ends are equally possible. Fight your sorrows with an open mind and oodles of optimism. So, put on that million dollar smile and begin making a change now!