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How to Care For a Person Who Experiences Hallucinations

Nilesh Parekh
A hallucination is a sensory perception of non-existent events. Here are some ways to take care of the person experiencing the same.
Hallucinations, in other words, is any event that is experienced when one of the person's senses produces a false input to the brain and one can see an event happening that is not actually happening in the real world.
Some children who are in their developing stage and are subjected to situations such as they are left alone or are in complete social isolation, are intimidated of something, or their mental development is not allowed to take place, etc., may experience the same.
For instance, on being isolated or not allowed to meet anyone, the child may experience meeting a friend who is actually not present in the real world. Here, the child would talk and play with that particular friend and even get the feeling that this non-existing friend is always with him/her wherever he/she goes.
In adults, there are some common reasons that may cause hallucinations that are exhaustion (this one reason that causes many other problems too), sleep deprivation, social isolation and rejection, severe reactive depression, phantom limb syndrome, reaction to medication, reaction to hallucinogens like LSD, and other drugs like heroin and cocaine.
Furthermore, there are physical (organic) causes that can result in this condition like delirium, tumors leading to increased intracranial pressure, temporal lobe lesions, seizures, head injuries and irritation of sensory pathways. Also, people who have undergone a situation they never expected to face in their lives normally tend to develop this condition.

Ways to Care

This condition is not to be taken literally, instead one should care about the person experiencing them and try to understand what the affected person may be going through. Furthermore, it is important to find out the root cause and help in eliminating those causes or it could lead to mental imbalance.
The first step would be to take him/her to a good physician who would be able find out the reason behind it and would be able to give a good solution. There are also medications available which help in such conditions.
One can ask the physician if the disturbed person would need medical help. In conditions like over-sedation, mental tremors, confusions etc. one needs to be extra careful or attentive.
The close one of a person experiencing this condition should try to find out whether it is causing a mental instability or if whatever they visualize is frightening, or any other problem, where he/she can help them with soothing words, quick and calm reactions, comforting touches and assuring them that everything is fine and nothing will happen to them, etc.
Keep in mind to never argue with the person over his/her experiences and what he/she hears or sees, instead try to understand him/her and help accordingly and do not make them feel ignored. One can think of some nice ideas in order to distract the person from that particular thought by asking him/her to come along for a walk or just enjoy with friends etc.
Further, one can take help of music, games, and other hobbies which would make the affected person think on other topics. Do not make the affected person feel that something wrong is happening with him/her, instead one can tell them that whatever it is that is happening with them would be over very soon and they won't be seeing it again.
Try to make changes in the environment in which the affected person is staying. Further, if he/she is not comfortable with certain things, remove them and bring in the things he/she does not have a problem with. 

Keeping the mentioned tips in mind and following them, while taking care of a person experiencing hallucinations, might prove beneficial.
Disclaimer: This is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.