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Facts about Teenage Dating Violence

Teens have to deal with a lot of changes while growing up. Growing up helps teenagers mature as an individual; but, it also means dealing with dating violence.
Kulbhushaan Raghuvanshi

Something to Remember

Both boys and girls suffer from teenage dating violence, and LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered) teenage couples are just as prone, as straight teenage couples, to face dating violence.
Teenage dating is always special, and for many, it is the first time they actually start dating. Dating also brings in a lot of emotions in life, like excitement, passion, love, missing the significant other, waiting for that one call or text for hours. However, there is also a dark phase that opens up sometimes in relationships.
In this phase, one person may hurt, scare, or demean the person he/she is dating on a frequent basis. This change makes a healthy relationship into an unhealthy one, and this negative behavior is called teenage dating violence.

Teenage Dating Violence Explained

The National Teen Dating Abuse Helpline defines teenage dating violence as a behavioral pattern that an individual uses to gain control on his/her dating partner. This type of violence can happen to people of all races. It can also occur on the first or second date or in a long-term relationship, and it isn't always about getting physically aggressive.
Emotional dating violence may include controlling the partner by putting a watch on his/her movements, limiting his/her activities, and setting deadlines. Sometimes, an abuser may even use technology as a means to control or demean his/her partner. Teenage dating violence also includes sexual violence which includes any forced or unwanted sexual contact.
Anyone can suffer from dating violence, and it is illegal for someone to hit the other person. In most cases, the victim blames himself/herself for the mistreatment he/she gets. Physical, emotional abuse gradually develops in a relationship, and most teens want to remain oblivious to the fact that their partner is abusing them. Let's learn some facts.

Teenage Dating Violence Facts

• According to Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month, almost 1.5 million high school students across the country have experienced physical abuse from their partner.

• Girls and young women between the age of 16 to 24 go through the highest rate of dating violence.
• The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that around 4% of highschool students have taken a trip to the emergency room for an injury received from a dating partner.

• Teenage girls who undergo physical, mental, and sexual abuse are at a high risk of developing an addiction to drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.
• Young girls falling in the age group of 15 to 19 experience almost 10 times more violence in relationships than men.

• According to LoveIsRespect.org, almost a quarter of high school girls have experienced sexual abuse or date rape.

• Teens facing dating violence intentionally choose to remain silent. Even if they talk about it, it is with a close friend.
• Contrary to what most people say, alcohol and drugs do worsen the violence, but are never the actual cause of teen dating violence.

• A study conducted by Teenage Research Unlimited states that 80% of girls who have been physically abused continue to be in a relationship with abuser.

• Majority of the violence happens in the house of one of the partners.
• According to DoSomething.org, almost 25% of high school girls in the country have been abused physically or sexually repeatedly, and are likely to become pregnant or contract an STD (Sexual Transmitted Disease).
• Teenage Research Unlimited states that 26% of teen girls in a relationship have been threatened with violence or verbal abuse.

• More than 40% of all homicides of women involved intimate partner violence.

Why Is it So Important to Focus on Teenagers?

Most parents might find this unbelievable, but almost 72% of eighth and ninth graders are dating. Psychologists believe that it isn't the need of having a partner, but it is the trend of having one. Having a date means being cool. Violent behavior begins when they are about 12 or 18, and if this is not discouraged on time, it becomes a habit.
Lack of awareness about the law and the desire of confidentiality are also major contributors of the rising cases of teenage dating violence. As teenagers are still not emotionally mature, all this chaos can have a profound negative impact on their health. 
Teens who have suffered dating violence tend to do poor in school, as they are too traumatized or depressed about the whole situation. They are at a high risk of abusing drugs and alcohol, and some might even develop eating disorders, or try to attempt suicide.
It is extremely important to educate the young youth about dating violence. There are many active programs that aim to change the attitude and behavior linked with teenage dating violence. An extremely popular example is Safe Dates―the only evidence-based curriculum that prevents dating abuse in teenagers.
So, all the teens out there, just remember that physical and sexual violence is illegal, and can put you behind bars. Also, if you know someone who is a victim of teenage dating violence, encourage that person to get help or at least speak to an adult at home to get some closure.