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Things You Need to Know About Creative Personalities

Claudia Miclaus
Creativity means creating something new, not only receiving and consuming what is new. Read on to learn about some well-known creative personalities.
According to C. Rogers, the natural creative adjustment seems to be the only possibility through which man can keep up with the perpetual changes in his own world. We need creativity more than ever. A people with a low level of creative abilities and with a limited culture will not be able to efficiently solve the problems that people encounter.
Contemporary society as compared to other societies is characterized by major behavior, work environment, family, education, science and technology changes, changes in religion and nearly any aspect of our life. It takes a high degree of adaptation and courage to live in such a world and it is very much related to creativity.
The present day man needs to be cultivated, because inner emptiness corresponds to a form of external apathy, incapacity to understand reality and to have proper behavior. Human nature in itself is creative. Man justifies himself in front of His Creator not only by redemption, but also by creation, as 'N'. Berdiaev says.
Although creativity is a social need, ensuring the survival of a people, still even in advanced societies we can bring many critiques to culture and education.
Thus, C. Rogers expresses the following critiques: by education, people tend to become conformists, with numerous and striking stereotypes, considering that it is preferable to ensure a very complete education rather than to develop an original and creative way of thinking.
Spare time activities usually have a passive character, they are not creative. Also, in the scientific field it is the cultivated and conformist people that are appreciated. The creative persons, who make up new hypothesis, have original and daring ideas are somehow tolerated.
In the industrial field, creation is reserved to certain categories, like the research manager, while most people are frustrated by the originality and creativity efforts. In the family and personal life, creativity is not very much appreciated.
Thus, our outfits, the food we eat, the books we read and the ideas we support are usually recommendations. Thus we can notice a strong tendency towards conformity and stereotypical behavior.
Creativity is one of the major problems of our contemporary world. There is a genuine hunger in order to solve the great social, economical, cultural, educational problems of humankind. Creativity has become one of the most fascinating issues emerging out of the psychology sphere and going into the most diverse scientific specialties.
This fact actually has a double meaning: on one hand, it has created the premises of multilateral approach on reality, of reaching as many aspects, i.e. of true and adequate understanding.
Some psychologists compose reductive definitions, by blending in creativity with other psychological phenomena (capacities, skills, problem solving, intelligence, etc).
The concept of creativity originates in the Latin word "creare" which means birth, creation, making. In a very large sense, creativity is a general human phenomenon, the highest form of human activity.
According to Guilford, a creative personality can be distinguished by: fluidity, originality, sensitivity to redefine related problems.
Lowenfeld established some relatively similar characteristics, such as: sensitivity to problems, receptivity towards mostly anything, and identification with the problems of certain people and cultures, variability of ideas, the rapid capacity to adjust to any situation, originality.
According to C. Taylor (1964), some personality features such as modesty, tolerance to ambiguous situations, faith in one's own creative power, are typical of creative personalities.
As productive scientists we can find people with a strong personality, with stable emotionality, resistance to conforming peer pressures, high level of self-control, a strong need for independence and abstract thinking.
People with a high level of creativity describe themselves and are described by others as being inventive, independent, uninhibited, versatile and enthusiastic.