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Anxiety Reduction Techniques That Actually Work

Madhura Pandit
There are several self-help methods that come handy in reducing anxiety. Here are some techniques that will help you overcome anxiety, stress, and tension.
We all feel anxious at certain times in life. Usually before exams, before facing an important interview, appointment, waiting for a loved one late at night, etc. A little anxiety is natural and also normal, and definitely not a reason for concern. However, excess anxiety gives rise to disorders.
You must have come across several people who constantly worry about their family, job, money, etc., have difficulty in sleeping, are constantly worried about something, and are irritable. If you too fall in the similar category, you must look for anxiety reduction methods and follow them immediately.
It should be noted that chronic anxiety leads to high blood pressure, sleep disorders, insomnia, etc. Let us take a look at some of the most effective techniques for reducing anxiety.

Techniques for Reducing Anxiety

Loss of appetite, lack of sleep, palpitations, inability to concentrate, inability to make decisions, headaches, etc are some of the symptoms caused due to anxiety. It is essential to get rid of these conditions before they lead to a serious consequence.


It has been found that, in most of the cases, anxiety attack is caused when a person experiences a situation which he cannot change. The dead-end situation causes anxiety and fear.
Therefore, one of the first and foremost thing to remember is to accept the situation as it is. In most of the cases, we cannot change the situation and hence, the only alternative we have is to accept it. Secondly, forgiving and letting go, also helps in overcoming irritability caused due to certain situations.


People who face anxiety are rigid, and unwilling to change. They demand perfection, are aggressive and hence, easily stressed and irritated.
When these individuals face a situation that cannot be changed, or a problem that cannot be solved; they experience anxiety. Remember, adapting to the situation, flexibility, openness to suggestions and advice are the qualities that can reduce stress. You should also share your feeling and thoughts with someone, rather than bottling them up.


Every person following the modern-day lifestyle needs to follow relaxation techniques. Relaxation techniques may vary from person to person.
A person may feel relaxed when he spends time with his loved ones; while other may be feel relaxed by having a good nap or reading a good book. You should find your own relaxation techniques and carry them out every day.


Doctors often recommend breathing techniques, as it is believed that the way you breath affects the way you think. By concentrating on your breathing, you can increase your sense of awareness, relax your body and mind, and reduce stress.
You can join a Yoga or meditation class to learn different techniques of breathing. Remember one basic rule that the human body and mind are like machines and need regular relaxation in order to work efficiently.

Time Management

One of the best tips for reducing anxiety is to learn time management. Inability to complete work in given time is a common cause of anxiety in people.
Time management is one thing every one needs to learn in order to survive the competition, without succumbing to stress. You should plan a routine and try to follow it regularly, as long as you can. This way, you can manage your work, family time, sleep, etc in your daily schedule, without being anxious.

Positive Attitude

Having a positive attitude is one of the best anxiety reduction techniques. Adults can learn the method of self motivation or self positive talk which can motivate them.
You can also mingle with supportive and like-minded people. If you are a parent and are looking for tips on reducing anxiety in children, then remember that having a chat and being supportive of the child helps motivate the child. Children should be encouraged to express their feelings, and should be kept away from negativity.
These are some of the best and the most effective anxiety reducing tips for children and adults. Lastly, note that if none of these methods work, you should look for professional help. Therapy and counseling effectively helps an individual to overcome anxiety.